Current Patients: 863-644-6418 New Patients: 863-617-7855


A Closer Look at Sugary Snacks

added on: July 13, 2018

Most of us know that sugar is bad for teeth. So it should come as no surprise that our dental office in Lakeland encourages our patients to limit their sugar intake in order to keep teeth healthy and decay-free. But sometimes it’s not so easy know just how much sugar… Read More…

Oral Health for Seniors

added on: June 27, 2018
handsome older gentleman

Oral healthcare needs vary from person to person and even between age groups. That’s one reason our dental office in Lakeland believes that individualized dental care is the best approach to keeping our neighbors healthy. And while several common dental concerns remain consistent through every stage of life, there are… Read More…

Is Asthma to Blame for Cavities?

added on: May 24, 2018
woman reaches for asthma inhaler

People with asthma know just how serious and scary of a disease it is. It causes airways to narrow, makes it hard to breathe, and can potentially be life-threatening. There is currently no cure, but there are advanced treatments and medications that can help keep airways open so more air… Read More…

What All Women Need to Know About Dental Health

added on: May 9, 2018
women cycling

We all know that men and women are built differently, and that affects what health problems each gender is more susceptible to. At our dental office in Lakeland, we also know that even though women are more open to visiting us regularly, they’re actually at more risk for dental problems… Read More…

April is National Facial Protection Month

added on: April 26, 2018
girls playing field hockey

As the weather gets warmer we all tend to spend more time outside. And perhaps our kids are participating in some fun spring sports. While we’re happy that they’re out the house doing something active, it’s not all fun and games when smiles and faces are at risk for injuries…. Read More…

Calcium Builds Strong Bones… And Teeth!

added on: March 27, 2018
foods with calcium

We all know that calcium is an important ingredient when it comes to building and keeping strong bones. But your skeleton isn’t the only thing that relies on calcium. The truth is, each one of our teeth is made up of 70% calcium! That makes this mineral essential for a… Read More…

Good for the Body, Good for the Mouth

added on: March 14, 2018
March is National Nutrition Month

What we put into our bodies can certainly affect how we feel and how healthy we are. But eating the right foods to fuel your body goes beyond enhancing overall health. During this National Nutrition Month, your Lakeland dentist wants to let all of our patients know how proper nutrition… Read More…

National Pet Dental Health Month

added on: February 28, 2018
dog with toothbrush

Every February, the American Veterinary Medical Foundation (AVMF) sponsors National Pet Dental Health Month to raise awareness of the importance of proper dental care for our furry best friends. While our Lakeland dental office doesn’t treat these cuddly critters, we know a lot of our patients have pets, and we’d… Read More…

If You’re Experiencing Any of These Symptoms, It’s Time to See a Dentist in Lakeland

added on: January 25, 2018
man with toothache

Regular dental cleanings and exams can go a long way in keeping your mouth healthy. But when we miss these bi-annual appointments, the likelihood that a dental problem will pop up increases. These dental problems can be painful and even lead to more serious complications if left untreated. The team… Read More…

The Effects of the Common Cold on Your Teeth

added on: December 26, 2017
young man with a cold

‘Tis the season of stuffy noses, persistent coughs, and sore throats. It’s officially cold and flu season. And even though the team at our dental office in Lakeland is committed to keeping our patients and neighbors healthy, there are just some things we can’t fix. The common cold being one… Read More…

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