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Is Biting Your Lip Bad For You?

added on: January 27, 2020
biting lip

When we accidentally bite our lip, the pain that follows can be concerning. The zing of pain, and maybe even some blood, can certainly cause us to think that we may have just done some serious damage. But is lip-biting actually bad for you? Let’s check in with your dentist… Read More…

Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

added on: November 18, 2019
woman with the flu

Every year millions of Americans get knocked down by the flu and suffer the miserable sniffles, annoying coughs, and unbearable body aches. Flu season usually runs from about October through February, but this year, your dentist in Lakeland is here to provide you with some things you can do to… Read More…

You CAN Relax at the Dentist! (We’ll Show You How)

added on: October 17, 2019
young woman in dental chair

  Nothing gives some people more dread in their stomach than knowing they need to see their dentist in Lakeland soon. It doesn’t matter if it’s a regular visit and cleaning or a first-time appointment to establish care, there’s a good chance you or someone you know feels anxiety no… Read More…

What’s The Most Dangerous Sport for Teeth? (You’re Going to Be Surprised!)

added on: October 1, 2019
kids playing lacrosse

It’s always good to get out and get some exercise. When you’re participating in any sport, your dentist in Lakeland will always remind you to protect your smile. All too often, we talk about avoiding sweets or sports drinks, food, and beverages that can damage your enamel and break down… Read More…

What You Need to Know About Fluoride

added on: August 16, 2019
fluoride concept

Fluoride has been used in the prevention of tooth decay and cavities since it was first introduced into public water supplies in 1945. But there are some research studies that suggest that fluoride isn’t safe. At our dental office in Lakeland, we’d like to help debunk that theory and explain… Read More…

Different Types of Dental Floss

added on: July 30, 2019
dental floss

When it comes to great oral health, you’ll often hear your dentist in Lakeland talk a lot about proper brushing and the importance of doing it every day. But there’s a good chance your dental team also talks to you about why you should be flossing every day. And with… Read More…

Can Swimming Pools Affect Your Smile?

added on: July 23, 2019
kids swimming

Swimming pools may seem like an odd thing for your dentist in Lakeland to talk about, but besides being a long-time summer favorite and a relaxing escape from the heat, swimming pools may actually pose an unwanted threat to your teeth. Now, before you forego all pools this summer (trust… Read More…

Why It’s Important Not to Ignore Your Snoring

added on: March 21, 2019
couple snoring

Think back to the last time you woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on your daily demands. It’s so nice to have the energy and mindful clarity to help you be productive and make the most of your day. Has it been a while since you felt like… Read More…

How to Relieve Tooth Sensitivity

added on: February 28, 2019
sensitive tooth

If you’ve ever experienced tooth sensitivity, you’re well aware of just how uncomfortable it can be. Something as simple as drinking a cold beverage or trying to enjoy a of bowl of ice cream can send you into a fury of pain. When faced with the discomfort of sensitive teeth,… Read More…

What Vitamins Are Good for Oral Health?

added on: January 30, 2019
vitamins in palm

Our bodies rely on the vitamins and minerals obtained through what we eat in order to function properly. Our mouth and teeth are no different. The truth is, in order to keep our oral health in good shape we need to make sure we’re getting enough of the right vitamins…. Read More…

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