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The Trouble With Crooked Teeth

added on: December 23, 2019
smiling girl with crooked teeth

Crooked or overcrowded teeth are incredibly common across people of all ages. Some of these people may feel self-conscious about their crooked grin, while others can feel a greater sense of individuality. But either way, your dentist in Lakeland wants those with crooked teeth to know and understand that there… Read More…

5 Foods That Can Whiten Your Teeth

added on: December 23, 2019

Everyone knows that things like coffee, tea, and red wine can take your pearly whites and make them appear dull, stained, or discolored. But your dentist in Lakeland wants you to know that there are also foods that can do the opposite and actually make your teeth whiter. Dairy Foods… Read More…

How The Great American Smokeout Can Help You (& Your Kids) Stay Healthy

added on: November 22, 2019

The Great American Smokeout is hosted on the third Thursday of every November. Its purpose is to help smokers set a day to work towards a smoke-free life. As you probably know, quitting smoking can help you get healthier, but it can also protect your children’s health, too. The truth… Read More…

Things To Do To Prevent the Flu

added on: November 18, 2019
woman with the flu

Every year millions of Americans get knocked down by the flu and suffer the miserable sniffles, annoying coughs, and unbearable body aches. Flu season usually runs from about October through February, but this year, your dentist in Lakeland is here to provide you with some things you can do to… Read More…

National Dental Hygiene Month is Here!

added on: October 25, 2019
dental hygienist in foreground

There’s a lot to be thankful for as we move into this part of 2019, but October is also a time when the entire nation comes together to observe National Dental Hygiene Month. This is a special part of the year when you, along with your dentist is Lakeland, can… Read More…

You CAN Relax at the Dentist! (We’ll Show You How)

added on: October 17, 2019
young woman in dental chair

  Nothing gives some people more dread in their stomach than knowing they need to see their dentist in Lakeland soon. It doesn’t matter if it’s a regular visit and cleaning or a first-time appointment to establish care, there’s a good chance you or someone you know feels anxiety no… Read More…

What’s The Most Dangerous Sport for Teeth? (You’re Going to Be Surprised!)

added on: October 1, 2019
kids playing lacrosse

It’s always good to get out and get some exercise. When you’re participating in any sport, your dentist in Lakeland will always remind you to protect your smile. All too often, we talk about avoiding sweets or sports drinks, food, and beverages that can damage your enamel and break down… Read More…

3 Reasons Not to Use DIY Orthodontics

added on: September 19, 2019
woman with clear dental aligner

It seems like every day there’s a new option for patients to straighten their smiles at home or on their own with mail-order orthodontics. But are they safe? Are they effective? Are they worth the discounted prices compared to more traditional orthodontics? Your dentist in Lakeland will be the first… Read More…

Professional Veneers vs. DIY Veneers

added on: August 29, 2019
dental veneers

Thanks to the internet, we can now buy basically anything we want in just a few clicks and have it delivered right to our front door. Unfortunately, this mindset of buying things online has made its way into the dental world, and patients can purchase anything from teeth whitening kits… Read More…

What You Need to Know About Fluoride

added on: August 16, 2019
fluoride concept

Fluoride has been used in the prevention of tooth decay and cavities since it was first introduced into public water supplies in 1945. But there are some research studies that suggest that fluoride isn’t safe. At our dental office in Lakeland, we’d like to help debunk that theory and explain… Read More…

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